Thursday, September 29, 2011

History of Rose Township

I discovered a document online that gives a lot of information about the Rose Township, Carroll County area around Morges, Ohio. I hope you find it as interesting as I did. Unfortunately, it doesn't really mention the Halter family, but it does give a view of the environment that they found themselves in when they came here from Alsace. I have included a link to this document in the "Related Information" section at the top right of this blog page.

1 comment:

  1. I think if you look at this map:,_Carroll_County,_Ohio_1915.JPG

    you'll see your ancestor lived a little to the east of your home place, in section 10 in 1915. There are a number of Casper properties.

    this 1894 map:
    shows the same township

    have a good one
