The stone message board shown above was donated to St. Mary's by my father, George J. Halter and his sister, Mary Esther (Halter) Shalosky, in memory of their parents. My father, who was a brick layer and stone mason, designed and built the structure. It was completed in 1976.

The pictures below show some of the headstones that are in good enough condition to read. There are many older stones that have simply had the inscriptions completely worn away by weathering.
This shows the graves of my great-grandfather and great-grandmother. They are Florentz's father and mother. I believe that great-grandpa's father (Joseph) came to Ohio in the early 1830's around the age of 5 with his father (also Joseph), his mother, his grandfather (Ludwig or Louis) and grandmother. Joseph and his family stayed in Ohio, but Ludwig/Louis, his wife and some other family members went west and settled in Scott Co. Missouri. Ludwig/Louis and his wife are buried there.

My grandparents and my father are not buried in this cemetary, so I am not including pictures of their grave markers in this post.

The stone below shows the names of Michael Halter (1831-1901) and his wife, Magdalen (1841-1929). I have no information about how these Halters fit into our family tree, but they obviously have a connection to Morges.

On the opposite side of this same marker are the names of the Conrads, Jacob and Mary. A possible explanation is that Mary Conrad was the daughter of Michael and Magdalen Halter, but I have no documentation for that.

This last marker was in the oldest section of the cemetary and, as you can see, was difficult to read. Sue and I both thought that the name appears to be John Halter, but that is questionable. In the bottom picture, the date of death might be in June of 1873, but again, that is a guess.

Mary Teresa Halter is my Great Great Grandmother. She was married to Jacob Conrad. Mary's parents were Michael Halter and Magdalena Reiling. Michael's mother's name was Elizabeth Stoltz. Hope this helps.