Thursday, September 24, 2009

More Data

Here is the text of an email that I received recently from Francine Conn Halter who lives in Missouri.

Bill, I received your email saying that you believe we are related. For lots of years I've been hunting for a Halter from Stark Co., OH who would communicate with me about our Halters -- some of whom came from Alsace to Stark Co., OH. I had heard that some of our Halters stayed in Stark Co., while others moved westward to Scott Co., MO and elsewhere.
I feel sure our Halters are related -- it's just a matter of how.
My Halter file has the Joseph Halter who married Elizabeth Duerr as son of Joseph Halter & wife Alphia who married abt 1828.
I have no Joseph listed as a son for Joseph Halter & Marie Anna Lang.
Do you have any primary sources (Bible? Church records? etc) to prove that Joseph who married Duerr is the son of Joseph who married Marie Anna Lang?
Our direct Halter line is this:
1 Louis/Ludwig Halter 1740-1800 m. Marguerite Eck 1740-1800
2 Louis Halter 1765 – m. Madeline Royer 1769 -
3 Mathias Halter 1807 – 1873 m. Theresa Mary Marz 1812 - 1865
4 Louis Halter 1843 – 1883 m. Mary Elizabeth Lindeman 1849 - 1934
5 Michael Henry Halter 1872 – 1970 m1st Mary Ethel Carlisle (mother of children) 1880 – 1937
6 Norbert Louis Halter 1923 – m. Margaret Elizabeth Boyd 1924 - 1982
7 Philip Michael Halter 1948 – m. Linda Francine Conn 1949 –
Talk to you soon.
Francine Conn Halter
Charleston, Mississippi Co., MO
(next door to Scott Co., MO)


  1. bonjour
    je viens de découvrir avec émotion votre blog très intéressant
    je suis moi même descendant des Halter, probablement de Abraham le vieux 1600 et tous les ancêtres de ma mère sont entre Schirrhein et schirrhoffen depuis cette époque. Je ne suis pas un spécialiste de la généalogie, mais ayant vécu ma petite enfance à Schirrhoffen, j'essaie de défricher un peu un arbre généalogique très compliqué. Dans la lignée de mon grand père on retrouve un Louis Halter né vers 1777 mais Magdaléna Royer est bien une arrière cousine de ma grand mère
    je suis donc très heureux de découvrir de lointains cousins et cousines des Etats Unis en espérant que nous auront l'occasion de nous rencontrer un jour
    avec toute mon amitié
    Jean Claude VADOT

  2. The story within the "van Britsom"family is that Petrus Bernardus van Britsom was born as Petrus Bernardus de Broeck. His birth certificate confirms this. When Franciscus married Amelia, he adopted both Petrus and Carolus. Carolus is thought to be his child, he was born two months before they got married in 30 Jan 1890. Now Oma de Broeck had of course a very good explanation of how things happened and who the father was of Petrus. --Quote-- "Het was een sterke man van de kermis" --Unquote-- translated "It was the strong man from the circus". Now we all know that the strong man in the circus always has a "Dumb-bell" The dutch translation for that is "Halter" (remember this for later in the story).

    When Carl and Bonnie were here and when Divine and me were in the States, we started to notice that there were a lot of similarities between all of us. Even though we came together by Amelia de Broeck. So we started to wonder if Franciscus might be the father of Petrus, but being in the 1880's they thought different about un-wed mothers. They kept it silent. We decided to have a Paternal 46 Y-Chromosome DNA test done. Carl, Martin and myself took part in it.

    For me it was easy. even though i have the name (from my mother) my actual paternal line goes thru the Denee line (please don't tell anybody). So i ended up of matching (within 7 generations) with somebody in England named Eric Silva Jones or his forefather, Griffith Jones died 1754. It's highly likely that Eric Silva Jones and me have the same great......greatgrandfather. For Carl matched with a certain John Presson within 12generations. It's highly unlikely that they are related. Now it was Martin's turn. he matched with someone within 5 generations. This is a match!! That would put it around 1880 where the two families join. The person name is Patsy L Halter (her maiden name)living in the USA. She had her brother do the DNA test. Now the Halters come from Belgium/France in the neighbourhood of Oma de Broeck and they immigrated to the USA around 1880-1890. Thru DNA we now know who Oma de broeck liked, at least his last name. So a lot of persons who are named "van Britsom" today, should actually be named "Halter". So oma de Broeck did actually name the father, it just took 130 years and DNA to figure it out. This all took place around 1883-1887 in IJzendijke, Zeeland, The Netherlands and Douai, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France. My email is

    1. anybody reconize names/dates or anything please respond thanks in advance regards Mick van Britsom
